Tag: <span>summer fun kids</span>


Supporting BCHA


We are delighted to be part of the Festival of Wellbeing this summer!

Save the date!
26th July, 1-4pm, Boscombe Gardens, BH5 1BL

The activity-packed afternoon with live music, food stalls, a raffle and a variety of entertainment – it’s a fun day out for all the family.

Free entry!

What do BCHA do?
BCHA work with vulnerable people to equip them to find a way forward in their lives. They offer them high standards of support for housing, health, learning and work.





Festival of Wellbeing

Come and join the fun by playing in our Adventure Play Bus during the Festival of Wellbeing.

Free entry!


Live music, games for all the family, a free raffle…


#playbus #AdventureBusDorset #FestivalofWellbeing #Boscombe #BoscombeChineGardens #summer #holiday #fun