Health and Safety
When you (the hirer) book a bus, a party or event with us (the service provider of Adventure Bus Dorset) you are agreeing to the following Health & Safety policy.
Please read these conditions carefully.
1.1. All our staff members and volunteers go through an induction process which includes familiarising themselves with the health and safety policy.
1.2. Adventure Bus Dorset has full public liability insurance.
1.3. Private hire is available as an Under 18’s activity and as such we can have a maximum of 15 people (under 5’s are not included in this total). Adults/guests over 11 years old will be expected to follow social distancing measures in the building and may only sit in their individual families/bubbles.*
1.6. During the current global pandemic guests over the age of 11 (who are not medically exempt) must wear face masks whilst entering and moving around The Factory building and The Bakery Studio.
1.7. A ‘lead member’ of the group (usually the person booking the event) must provide us with their own contact details to enable NHS Track and Trace measures to be implemented if necessary. The lead member is responsible for ensuring they have their group details, should they be required to contact them at a later date. The information we require is: – Name of lead member; -Number of people in group; – Contact phone number.
*Meeting in larger groups
There are exceptions where people can continue to gather indoors, or in groups larger then 6 outdoors, including:
- as part of a single household or support bubble,
- in a childcare bubble (for the purpose of childcare only),
- for work, or providing voluntary or charitable services, including in other people’s homes (see guidance on working safely in other people’s homes),
- for registered childcare, education or training – meaning education related to a formal curriculum, or training that relates to work or obtaining work,
- for supervised activities provided for children, and those who were under 18 on 31 August 2020, including wraparound care (before and after school childcare), children’s groups and activities for under -18s, and children’s playgroups for parent and toddler groups – up to a maximum of 15 people (under -5s do not count towards this limit). These cannot take place in private dwellings. For the full documents https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tier-2-high-alert
Vehicle approach
2.1. No one should approach the vehicle whilst it is manoeuvring into position and until the engine is switched off. We ask no one enters the bus until Adventure Bus Dorset staff invite them aboard.
Supervision of the children
3.1. There is a maximum of 15 children allowed on the bus at a time and these must be between 3 and 12 years of age.
3.2. It is the full responsibility of the parent/guardian/the hirer to provide the care, supervision and safety of their child for the duration of all activities inside and outside the bus. The parent/guardian of minors are reminded that they are solely responsible for any accidents that occur or any damage to clothing which is caused by playing on the bus. In no way will Adventure Bus Dorset, The Factory and The Bakery Studio be liable for any injuries or damage caused during all activities inside and outside the bus. Our Insurance requires a minimum of two responsible adults from the party/event to supervise children on the bus at all times.
3.3. We provide a driver, a party host and, when booked, a face painter/entertainer to staff Adventure Bus Dorset at your event. The staff will ensure Adventure Bus Dorset is set up properly and that all the systems being used on the bus are in good order. Adventure Bus Dorset staff have safety in mind at all times. If they feel it is necessary to end a party earlier for safety reasons they reserve the right to do so.
3.4. Children must understand that a normal conduct of behaviour must be present while on and outside the bus and they must not inflict harm/injury on another child or act in a manner which may affect another child’s experience during a party or event.
3.5. Should poor behaviour /misconduct arise, the organization reserves the right to give a gentle reminder first and then decide, in the case that the behaviour persists, to ask the child to leave the bus and therefore would not be allowed to return on the bus.
3.6. All children must play in a way that is respectful of the needs of other children.
3.7. Children must be encourage to follow the ‘rules of the playbus’ and must be prevented from rough play i.e. pushing, punching, grabbing, etc. especially near stairways.
3.8. Injured or unwell children will not be able to play on the bus for their safety and safety of others.
3.9. All children and adults participate at their own risk.
Children clothing
4.1. All children must remove all footwear and must wear socks. Footwear storage is provided on our bus.
4.2. We advise all children have their legs and arms covered to reduce the risk of friction burns from the equipment.
4.3. All necklaces, chains and jewellery must be removed from the child. Adventure Bus Dorset holds no responsibility for lost or damaged jewellery or belongings.
Food & drink on the bus
5.1. Food generally cannot be consumed inside the bus. Birthday cakes may be placed only in the designated area near to the front entrance of the vehicle. The cake my be cut and distributed in this area. Birthday cake cannot be taken into the play areas of Adventure Bus Dorset.
5.2. Any drinks provided for children can only be consumed in the designated area. Drinks cannot be taken into the play area of the bus. Sweets cannot be taken into the play area of the bus.
5.3. We do not take responsibility for children with allergies. Please ensure these children are correctly cared and catered for.
5.4. We do not have toilet facilities in the bus so ensure you have toilets available at your chosen venue and that your supervising adults are able to assist the children.
5.5. In the event of toilet accidents, if professional cleaning is required, a cleaning fee may apply.
5.6. Strictly no smoking or consuming alcohol around the bus.
5.7. Chewing gum is prohibited.
6.1. Adventure Bus Dorset has various attractions on board for the entertainment of children. Staff members check equipment daily/before use and any equipment found to be broken is discarded. If equipment is found to be broken during a session, staff will remove the item. As stated previously staff members carry out checks to ensure equipment, tools are safe and clean to use.
6.2. All equipment on the bus must be treated with respect by those using them. If there are any instances of any of the equipment is being deliberately damaged, we reserve the right to seek compensation from the parents or the legal guardians of any child or children seen causing any damage.
7.1 Adventure Bus Dorset does not take responsibility for any inconvenience, loss, damage, injury or death arising from accident, breakdown or delay attributable to factors beyond the control of the owner.
7.2. Members of the hirer’s group should make themselves responsible for their own property. We will not be held responsible for any valuables or other items belonging to members of the group.
Statement of intent
8.1. Adventure Bus Dorset is committed to ensure everyone involved during the time of hire can look back with pleasure on an enjoyable and problem free-party. We welcome and encourage your comments and suggestions before, during and after the event. We will always try to improve your experience based on your constructive feedback!
Thank you for your confidence in Adventure Bus Dorset.